Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog Archive Why Does Playing the Didgeridoo Change Asthma

According to the National Asthma Council of Australia ? when Aboriginal children were taught to play the didgeridoo [just the boys were taught the instrument - the girls had to learn singing! Hmmm.]

Learning the didgeridoo helped the boys to a dramatic improvement in their lung function. The girls ? who were not taught the instrument ? but singing instead ? had no change.

If you have ever tried to play a didgeridoo ? you will know that it is impossible to do it and still hyperventilate. The methodology of the instrument just makes it impossible to hold a note.

Didgeridoo playing is a central part of the Aboriginal culture, and determining that it also makes you healthier is a great test.

Over 15% of Aboriginal people in Australia have asthma symptoms ? far higher than other Australians.

Is it genetics that causes asthma? This is quite clear ? yes. If we did not have the gene for asthma ? we could not ?do? it. Same as for diabetes or having red hair. If you get asthma ? you have the gene that allows you to ?do? it.

Research into whether it is only genetics that makes asthma may be missing the more useful point.

Another angle to look at is what is called ?adult onset asthma?. If you get asthma as an adult ? it means you have always had the gene for asthma. So what changed that caused the gene to ?turn itself on?, and produce the symptoms we call asthma?

Genes often mean we have the ability to ?do? certain things ? like have an epileptic fit or have an asthma attack. Other things do happen all the time ? like red hair!

The gene for asthma is in me. I have learned that if I change my breathing I quickly develop an asthma attack. Then I can make the symptoms go away again by breathing differently.

If I stick my face in a big bucket or dust mite faeces and take a huge breath ? what will happen? Please note that I still avoid dust mites ? even though they have almost no effect on me now. My nose would run a little, and my eyes itch a little ? but within a minute or two I am back to normal. If I create an asthma attack ? and then stick my face in the dust mites ? the reaction to them is much more dramatic.

So if changing our breathing can alter how much our asthma gene is activated ? that explains the didgeridoo results. So ? get online and buy the instrument and have fun. Plus ? learn the simple model that allows you to get the same results faster and more powerfully used by tens of thousands of ex-asthmatics.

Learning the didgeridoo is a very cool goal. But if you are doing it just because of your asthma ? then learn more about Buteyko Method.

Before you do anything else on how to reduce your asthma, be sure to find out more about the breathing method that thousands of ex-asthmatics know about. Asthma Relief Method ? Buteyko


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