Recently, the health insurance industry stated that it plans to stop charging people with a history of medical problems a higher rate. This is good news, but the question remains if there are any catches or when health insurers will put this into effect. In the meantime, here are 10 ways to help you find affordable health insurance.
1) Check with your employer ? You may be able to get on a group plan at your job. This can be one of the most affordable ways to get health insurance.
2) Comparison shop ? Health insurance plans can differ from one another by the type of coverages offered, deductibles and co-payments required and health care providers available. You need to take a look at a few plans to make sure your needs are covered and you can afford the premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses.
3) Contact local agents and brokers ? Pick up the phone book and contact agents and brokers in your area and request quotes and plan information.
4) Use a comparison Web site ? By going online and using an insurance comparison Web site, you can get several quotes from different companies or agents just by completing one quote request form. This is a convenient way to get started.
5) Contact companies directly ? You may see television commercials or receive direct mail solicitations with toll-free numbers that allow you to call a health insurance company directly to request a quote. What?s more, you can usually look up these companies online and request a quote through their Web site.
6) If you?re a student, check with your school ? Many colleges and universities offer some sort of group student health insurance, which can be a good value while you?re between your parent?s coverage and your future employer?s plan.
7) Check with your association ? If you?re a member of an association, or credit union, see if they offer a health plan. Many times, associations will have some sort of group plan that they use as a benefit of membership. Check with your state?s insurance department ? You state?s insurance department may list health insurers who are licensed to do business in your state. This can be a good source of companies to call for comparison quotes.
9) Talk to friends and family ? People you know may be able to recommend a health insurance company. However, you want to still get comparisons and make sure that your needs are met.
10) Look into short-term health insurance ? Temporary or short-term health insurance can be an affordable way to get coverage if you recently lost your benefits, and are looking for another provider. There are limits to this type of coverage.
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Help answer the question about Health
Question by : What are the health benefits of shirataki noodles?
I need to find out more about shirataki noodles. I?ve heard just a tiny bit about it and I am interested in learning more about them in general and their health benefits. Basically my questions are:
1. Where can I learn more about shirataki noodles?
2. What are the health benefits of shirataki noodles?
Thanks for the help.
Best answer:
Answer by Michael Mauriello
1.Yo u can learn about shirataki noodles from the website i posted below. Basic information includes that they have 0 calories, their gluten free,they help with weight loss, and they are very easy to cook.
2. Health benefits of shirataki noodles include they have 0 calories, gluten free, help maintain cholesterol levels, they help diabetics, low in carbohydrates, helps loose weight, and they are high in fiber.
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